Saturday 25 May 2019


1. The Heart of the Tree 
HC Bunner
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I.                  (i) The poet is posing a general question to the readers.
Man by planting trees provides soothing, cool breeze and a means of aesthetic pleasure to its inhabitants.
(ii) Refer to Stanza1 under Poem in Detail. Page 14.
(iii) The tree is a friend of the sun as the tree is dependent on sunlight to carry out the process of photosynthesis and make its food. Similarly, the tree is a friend of the sky because it takes in carbon dioxide from the air and releases oxygen in the air and thus purifies the air. Also the transpiration from trees is responsible for cloud formation in the sky which leads to rains.
A tree is "the flag of breezes free”  as the leaves of a tree flutter and provide soothing, cool breeze.
(iv) It means the beam of beauty. The long narrow stem of the tree is compared to the shaft as It looks like a beautiful tower and is pleasing to the eyes.
(v) Refer to Form and Structure under Style.
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Il. (i)  The soft song that mother bird is singing to her young ones. The song is sung in a hushed voice to provide a peaceful and soothing atmosphere to the young ones.
(ii) Twilight is the faint light because a mother bird is seen singing to her young ones in a soft voice – entire scene reflects happiness and love.
(iii) (a) treble: high tone in music.
(b) heaven's harmony: the way in which different musical notes are played or sung together and combine to make a pleasant harmonious sound.
The treble, i.e., the bird's high-pitched tone adds to the pleasant harmony of the universe.
(iv) Examples of metonymy: 'happy twilight hand"; "the treble of heaven's harmony." In this extract, it refers to the association of the birds with the tree. Birds make their nest, where the mother bird happily sings to her young ones making twilight happy. The bird's treble thus adds to the harmony in the universe.
(v) • Trees cool the atmosphere and cause gentle rain.
• Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen for human beings to inhale.
• Trees bear flowers and fruits.
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• Trees are the main source of medicine and wood.
III. (i) (a) Provide cool shade, (b) Cause tender rain,
(c) Bear seeds and buds for the future progeny which help in the growth of dense forests. The canopy of the branches of the tree provide cool shade in the hot sun. (ii) Plants release water vapour into the air in a process called transpiration. The water vapour then rises in the atmosphere and forms new rain clouds and that water vapour returns to earth in form of rain.
(ii) The trees bear seeds and buds for future progeny. With each passing year, the trees grow and one day they die and are replaced by new trees. The trees then “flush again” as “the harvest of a coming age”.  Thus, from a tree planted by a man, entire forest grows for his future generations. The man who plants a tree passes over an entire forest to a new generation.
(iv) Refer to the answer above.
(v) The expression, unborn eyes indicate the future generation, which is yet to be born.
The unborn eyes shall see the entire forest that is left for them as heritage by the previous generation.
They will rejoice as they will reap all the benefits of the trees that have been planted by their predecessors.
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IV. (i)  Refer to Metonymy, under Style.
(ii)The man who plants a tree foresees the well-being of the city and its citizens in his act of planting trees. The planter's work helps human beings to get food from plants' sap and leaves besides wood for their use. It is a blessing on the entire neighbourhood of the man who plants trees.
(iii) The man who plants a tree, holds all the growth of our land by providing the economic, commercial and aesthetic benefits of the tree for mankind.

iv) A nation's growth depends on planting trees as the land without trees would become barren. The growth of a land depends on its environment, its citizens' well-being, and its import commercial relations with other countries. All these benefits are possible only with plantation of trees.

(v) Refer to Critical Remarks.

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