Monday, 19 March 2018

Wonder woman and spider man 

Wonder woman and spider man (Is it a true story?)
       “Men are comic!” she said, driving the car. Not knowing whether this indicated praise or blame, I answered evasively: “Quite true.”
       “Really, my husband’s regular job’s in IBM. Today my husband told me that he wanted to become a cleaner or mason.”
        “May be,” I told her, “with a good reason.”  Just it was a return dialogue. I didn’t mean even what I said. I glanced at the newspaper that was full of ads. I got a point that there were so many wanted columns for cleaners and masons. You know that Bangalore is famous for computers’ software engineers. But I didn’t see any computer engineers wanted ad. The township wanted only cleaner and masons. I was thrilled. I wanted to know the reason how it was possible. So Ramya’s husband was correct. The cleaners and masons were getting more salary compared to software engineers. But what’d be the reason?
         There was no way to move the car due to heavy traffic jam. She stopped the car near a multiplex. We stepped out of the car. 
         It was the second week end after Diwali. She pointed out a tall building. What was the wonder! Why was she showing me this? Bangalore is full of tall buildings. Then I saw the tallest edge of that building was covered with cobwebs. Not only there, there were lots of cobwebs around various buildings. How come they are found at around the buildings? Many cleaners were working to remove the cobweb. It was astonishing to see this improbability.
        Then I saw the floors, they were broken at many places as if earthquake had come there. My mouth fell open and I couldn’t close my eyes. I was astonished; there were so many masons at work repairing them. Yep, Ramya’s husband was correct. Bangalore city needed more cleaners and masons.
         But the question remained why? ? ? ?
       My eyes stared at the poster, Oh! O! last week, Wonder woman 3, Hancock4 and spider man4 were released.
       Now do you got the idea? The jump of Wonder woman and Hancock broke the floor and spider man left all the cobwebs for city to clean.